teodora.se / me

Astro Sign
Zodiac Year
Dog? No! Pig? No! It's Goat!
Malmö, Sweden

Today is the tomorrow you worried about yesterday

My goal in life is to become as wonderful as my dog think I am (borrowed from Cheryl, DJ)

Teodora is my middle name

From the Greek name Theodoros, which mean "Gift of god" from Greek (theos) "god" and (doron) "gift"

There are 433 women with
the name Teodora in Sweden.
157 with Teodora as first name.

Since there was no web-site available with my first name, it became teodora.se


Yes, I have realized that I am a quilt UFO* person!

But I enjoy the journey. It's the learning and the knowing how, that makes me happy!

I know how to do a Double Wedding Ring quilt! Who could have thought that a year ago, when I started my first course in doing a sampler quilt?

*Un Finished Objects
